

Hot and tasty

Consciously making an effort to eat healthy, needs some working on. Specially if its the first meal of your day. I know how easy it is to reach out for that slice of bread, fry two eggs, slap some jam on the toast and wash that all down with a glass of OJ ! But if you’re looking on loosing some of those inches off your sides, then you’ve got to re think what you eat. My reccomended choice is Oats: a versatile breakfast recipe cereal

These days you have so much choice when it comes to picking a breakfast cereal that it can be tough whittling it down to just one, but once you find your perfect breakfast you’re set – and you can experiment with it as much as you like to introduce a bit of variety into your morning routine. Fortunately nature has given us oats, a wholegrain which is not only tasty but a great base for a range of hot and cold breakfast recipes that you can enjoy rain or shine.

There are so many ways you can make your oats …

With a smooth and creamy texture, this warming breakfast can make you feel ready for the day ahead – especially on a cold morning. It’s important that you break the fast of sleeping and a hot breakfast that makes you feel satisfied is one of the best ways to do this.

Porridge becomes a natural choice for breakfast round about the same time that the gloves come out and you put your electric blanket on. It’s not just a popular breakfast choice because it’s hot and filling; you can add a host of ingredients to porridge to suit your taste.

A simple yet scrumptious version of porridge is an oldie but a goody that most of us love; simply serve it with a drizzle of natural yogurt or greek yogurt and a sprinkling of brown sugar, golden syrup or honey.

The flavour of oats also goes well with cut up dried or fresh fruits and nuts so mix in a handful of these in for a zesty flavour.

Don’t forget a serving of porridge is just as tasty all on its own though so feel free to keep it plain and simple if you prefer!



No Name Ninja
